Navigating the Software as a Law Firm User

On the left side of the screen, you will see the navigation sidebar. The options are “Close,” “Dashboard,” “Outbound,” “Record Request,” and “Check Request Status.” 

“Close” will simply minimize the navigation sidebar so only the images appear. While minimized, you can still click the images to navigate around the application. 

“Dashboard” is the home page of the care coordination website. Here you can make a request for records and check the status of your request. 

Beneath these options, you can view your outbound requests and filter them by status. Click a request to review the details and make any edits or comments. You can also click the gears icon to select the information that appears for each request.

If you would prefer to use the legacy website, click “Switch to Classic View.” 

The “Outbound” option will bring you to a page similar to the “Outbound” section of the dashboard, but here you will also be able to make an “Advanced Search.”

The “Records Request” option will open the same records request workflow as the “Request Records” option in the dashboard.

The “Check Request Status” option will allow you to search a record by ID number to check its status.

Click your facility’s name in the top right corner for four additional options: “My Account,” “My Organization,” and “Logout.”

Click “My Account” to open your account settings. Here you can manage your account information such as email address and password, your favorite custodians, and your status notification settings by clicking “Edit” above the appropriate field.

Click “My Organization” to edit your location and contact information, keep a list of your designated physicians, and manage your credit cards.

You can also scroll down to invite colleagues to join your organization.